The Silver Lining Behind the Storm Clouds
It’s time you found USANA Health Sciences, a company that lets you run your own business, create an additional stream of income, and determine your own future.

With nearly 45 cents of every dollar going back to Associates in the form of commissions, USANA offers the Highest Payout Percentage for profitable, reporting companies in the industry.

As a matter of fact, USANA perfectly matchs all the criterias for spotting the silver lining opportunity! A recession proof formula...

A Pay Plan That Builds
Real Residual Income
The USANA Compensation Plan:
(a)  encourages teamwork;
(b)  ensures a fair distribution of income among Distributors; and
(c)  is designed with simple and duplicable system,
so that you can build a stable residual income as your downline organisation grows.

How Does It Works?
Learn about the USANA Pay Plan with 9-Star Diamond Director, Jeremy Stansfield…

Override for 100% payout?
Create momentum with the amazing Matching Bonus…

Four Steps to Get Started
Step One. Get the Starter Kit, it’s compulsary. This Kit outlines the proven success principles in order to succeed in this biz.

Step Two. Activate your Business Centre. Accumulate required points of Personal Sales Volume (PSV) through order for your customers and your personal use. You have an option either to begin with 1 Business Centre (BC) or 3BC.

Step Three. Who do you know? Who to approach?

Step Four. Guide yourself through the success principles outlined in the Starter Kit and attend as many USANA training/events as possible. Utilise the duplication power while building your network.

The timing is perfect for U in USANA.
Millions of baby boomers are ageing and they’re looking for quality health products that work. Indeed, health is being the No. 1 topic in today’s era.

USANA is led by a visionary; Dr. Myron Wentz, and his powerful team of scientists.

USANA operates out of a brand new, state-of-the-art research and manufacturing facility Salt Lake City, Utah.

USANA has passed the pioneering stage where many new companies fail, and is currently entering the momentum stage where fortunes are created.

Many highly-respected business and health care leaders who are recognized as the best in their industries get involved in USANA. They offer you the assurance that USANA truly is the chance of a lifetime.

USANA is a giant waiting to happen! It’s steady for solid growth outside of the U.S. and just opened for biz in Malaysia with great success. Through its single, seamless pay plan, there’s an opportunity for you for worldwide expansion and you owe to yourself to put some effort into USANA and yield high with it!

Where do U see yourself?