Today’s Reality

TWO challenges facing all generations…

Why “OLD” does 
not equal “SICK”?

The degenerative diseases are NOT an unavoidable result of old age. These diseases are result from cumulated damage and degeneration of our cells.
So, if we protect our cells from damage, we have the best chance to live a long healthy life.

The Battle Within Our Cells

Optimal Health: A Lifelong Pursuit
Balanced nutrition, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle give us an excellent chance of avoiding degenerative diseases.

But, have you ever realise that adding a high-quality nutritional supplement as a life-long habit produces an amazing result for our long-term health levels?

For optimal health and proper cell function, our daily diet MUST provide all the essential nutrients. Yet the reality goes this way…
TODAY’S DIETARY. Diets high in commercially processed foods grown in nutrient-deficient soils, provide us with poor quality of nutrition.
TODAY’S LIFESTYLE. Daily stress, lack of beneficial physical activity and exposure to environmental pollutants assault us with ever more free radicals.
Above all, daily diet with a high quality nutrient-antioxidant supplement is prudent to guarantee our intake of essential nutrients for optimal health.

Already on Supplementation?

Take a closer look.

Not all nutritional supplements are created equal, no matter what their marketing tactics say.

In fact, how a product is developed and manufactured is equally as important as what is in it.

A Canadian bio-chemist, author of the book of Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements, Lyle MacWilliam stated that the first thing we should ask when choosing a supplement is whether it meets the CAPPS requirement:
Completeness – full spectrum of nutrients
Absorb-ability – bioavailable formulas
Potency – optimal potency for efficacy
Purity – pharmaceutically pure
Safety – no vitamin A or iron: nutrients that are below upper limits for no observable adverse effect.

It’s much easier to protect one’s health than to regain it after it has been lost. Let’s make a commitment right now.

Take control of your health with scientifically proven products from a global leader in cellular nutrition.

USANA nutritional products are designed to provide your cells with THE RIGHT KIND and THE RIGHT AMOUNTS of beneficial nutrients and antioxidants to help compensate for poor nutrition and to counteract free radicals damage.

Why working hard 
and saving hard 
may not be enough?

...there is a real concern that the EPF nest-egg alone will not be sufficient for most, in our old age, to maintain the lifestyle we are used to.

It’s a volatile future! Once your ONE AND ONLY stream dries up, it wipes you out. And it takes years to recover. Fortunately, earning multiple streams of income would be wise!

Furthermore, in this Information Age, well educated and high paid employees are often the first to be downsized and once downsized, they often find it harder to find a job at the pay scale they were used to. Again, earning multiple streams of income spreads your risk.

Smarter Ways to Earn

Industry and Trend

Network Marketing Industry 
Made a Complete Turn Around is legitimate, low investment – the best way for the average person to enter into business arena through the most fair system for financial freedom available!

Here some facts we may be blinded to…
1. Back in 1990’s, it was often difficult to talk to people about network marketing when the economy was so strong. But those days are over. We’re in time of crisis while network marketing business is the silver lining behind the clouds!
2. Traditional corporate systems allow only one person to reach the top of the company. In contrast, the top of the network marketing system is open to everyone!
3. The public is quickly finding out that some of the finest and most reasonably priced products are marketed through the vehicle of network marketing.
Are U capitalising on the next trillion dollar industry?

The Baby Boomers are getting older and hardly need for health products. Health and wellness is the #1 topic in people’s mind nowadays.

Are U in the RIGHT industry?

Are U with the RIGHT company?

Join the next trillion dollar industry and start a home-based business with great earnings potential.

USANA Health Sciences offers a great opportunity for both part-timer and full-timer to yield high leverage and residual income.

Check this out…
Why USANA is difference and why should we trust our health to USANA.
USANA offers a great opportunity towards financial freedom.